Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Post; About Me

Hello Everyone!
I have recently decided to begin blogging about current Economic issues and forecasts on both the Macro (Global level), and Micro (US level) after a friendly Ms. Anna Dearybury (Stanford '10) brought up the idea. I had begun talking to Ms. Dearybury on Quora after she posted an answer on how she became an analyst at the prestigious Goldman Sachs. Since I was interested in the same type of job (along the lines of analyst, equity or FX trader, Portfolio Manager), I began asking her questions about her job, how she got there, how she prepared for the job, when the conversation gently transitioned into what I was doing. I told her that I religiously (as in the #1 thing I do) read news about the Markets/Economy every day, including during the school year. I read and understand articles written by AP, Bloomberg, the Economist, and the infamous Wall Street Journal. I also read a lot of Business Insider, which I love because the writers attend a lot of the Federal Reserve meetings, and are able to write what was discussed, and opinions on actions in a level that I can understand as a high schooler. Business Insider's writers also publish opinions by top Economists/Analysts' opinions at Goldman Sachs (Jan Hatzius, Jim O'Neill), and JP Morgan (Jim Glassman), along with the graphs/charts that support why they made that opinion.
Another reason I love Business Insider is because the writers publish the latest Economic data (Unemployment, Purchasing Manager's Index (PMI), Construction Spending, Mortgage/Loan rates, Manufacturing/Trade sales etc.) and how it will affect the Economy. Besides reading the news, I also invest in equities, and have recently begun FX (Foreign Exchange) trading.

But first, here's a bit of background information about me. My name is Ryan D'souza, and I am currently a Junior at Princeton High School. I'm working on my Eagle Scout Project which is the construction of three trophy cases for my high school. I am also the President of my school's Red Cross Club/Community Service, and a member of the Red Cross Youth Council. I play trumpet in school, and for the Youth Orchestra of Central Jersey, and I run Cross Country. My interests' right now are in Economics/Finance, and Computer Science. I have been interested in Economics for about three years. My interest was first in the stock market, but as I got older, I began wondering why the stock market (in general) was going up and down. So, I began researching and learning about the factors that influence the movements of the stock market. I then understood why people were pouring money into stocks, because they thought the returns of the stock market would be greater then the yields of bonds. Next, I was curious about why bond yields were increasing and decreasing, so I dived into Interest Rates, and the Federal Reserve. Eventually, it panned out to the global economy, which is where I am today.
In Computer Science, my interest is now in Application/Trading System development, and Embedded Systems. I am currently building an Android App that is able to get live stock prices, the financial statements, and analyst opinions for any stock in the US that the user enters. I am specifically working on an Algorithm that will look at the Financial Statements/Information (Beta, Income, Revenue, Spending, etc.) and come up with a rating for that stock (buy, sell, hold). I have already built a decent User Interface, and been able to download the financial statements and analyst opinions from Yahoo Finance. Although any algorithm can continuously be improved, I plan to release the first version of my app by the end of the year.

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